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The pydantic.Field function is used to customize and add metadata to fields of models. To learn more, check out the Pydantic documentation as this is a near replica of that documentation that is relevant to prompting.

Default values

The default parameter is used to define a default value for a field.

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(default='John Doe')

user = User()
#> name='John Doe'

You can also use default_factory to define a callable that will be called to generate a default value.

from uuid import uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class User(BaseModel):
    id: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: uuid4().hex)


The default and default_factory parameters are mutually exclusive.


If you use typing.Optional, it doesn't mean that the field has a default value of None you must use default or default_factory to define a default value. Then it will be considered not required when sent to the language model.

Using Annotated

The Field function can also be used together with Annotated.

from uuid import uuid4
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class User(BaseModel):
    id: Annotated[str, Field(default_factory=lambda: uuid4().hex)]


The exclude parameter can be used to control which fields should be excluded from the model when exporting the model. This is helpful when you want to exclude fields that are not relevant to the model generation like scratch_pad or chain_of_thought

See the following example:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from datetime import date

class DateRange(BaseModel):
    chain_of_thought: str = Field(
        description="Reasoning behind the date range.", exclude=True
    start_date: date
    end_date: date

date_range = DateRange(
        I want to find the date range for the last 30 days.
        Today is 2021-01-30 therefore the start date
        should be 2021-01-01 and the end date is 2021-01-30""",
    start_date=date(2021, 1, 1),
    end_date=date(2021, 1, 30),
#> {"start_date":"2021-01-01","end_date":"2021-01-30"}

Omitting fields from schema sent to the language model

In some cases, you may wish to have the language model ignore certain fields in your model. You can do this by using Pydantic's SkipJsonSchema annotation. This omits a field from the JSON schema emitted by Pydantic (which instructor uses for constructing its prompts and tool definitions). For example:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.json_schema import SkipJsonSchema
from typing import Union

class Response(BaseModel):
    question: str
    answer: str
    private_field: SkipJsonSchema[Union[str, None]] = None

assert "private_field" not in Response.model_json_schema()["properties"]

Note that because the language model will never return a value for private_field, you'll need a default value (this can be a generator via a declared Pydantic Field).

Customizing JSON Schema

There are some fields that are exclusively used to customise the generated JSON Schema:

  • title: The title of the field.
  • description: The description of the field.
  • examples: The examples of the field.
  • json_schema_extra: Extra JSON Schema properties to be added to the field.

These all work as great opportunities to add more information to the JSON schema as part of your prompt engineering.

Here's an example:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, SecretStr

class User(BaseModel):
    age: int = Field(description='Age of the user')
    name: str = Field(title='Username')
    password: SecretStr = Field(
            'title': 'Password',
            'description': 'Password of the user',
            'examples': ['123456'],

    'properties': {
        'age': {'description': 'Age of the user', 'title': 'Age', 'type': 'integer'},
        'name': {'title': 'Username', 'type': 'string'},
        'password': {
            'description': 'Password of the user',
            'examples': ['123456'],
            'format': 'password',
            'title': 'Password',
            'type': 'string',
            'writeOnly': True,
    'required': ['age', 'name', 'password'],
    'title': 'User',
    'type': 'object',

General notes on JSON schema generation

  • The JSON schema for Optional fields indicates that the value null is allowed.
  • The Decimal type is exposed in JSON schema (and serialized) as a string.
  • The JSON schema does not preserve namedtuples as namedtuples.
  • When they differ, you can specify whether you want the JSON schema to represent the inputs to validation or the outputs from serialization.
  • Sub-models used are added to the $defs JSON attribute and referenced, as per the spec.
  • Sub-models with modifications (via the Field class) like a custom title, description, or default value, are recursively included instead of referenced.
  • The description for models is taken from either the docstring of the class or the argument description to the Field class.